Private Club Radio’s Best of 2018

2018 was another record breaking year for Private Club Radio – the podcast brought to you by the Private Club Agency. The show topped 60,000 listeners from 140 countries and featured experts in all areas of the club and hospitality industry from around the world. We covered topics from board governance to marketing, and from food and beverage to cyber …

How to save $1,000 per Month on SEO

Every business wants more traffic to their website. More traffic results in more prospects. More prospects result in more members or customers. It’s really that simple. For many years I’ve advised my clients to forgo the investment in paid search engine optimization (SEO). It’s generally a $1,000 or more investment per month and I’ve always considered it an expensive way …

Anatomy of a Private Club Turnaround

At the first CMAA World Conference I attended, I bumped into a nice guy. He was exuberant. In fact, he may have been the most interesting character I met at that conference in 2015. He was certainly the friendliest. Later I came to find out he was not only nice, but certifiably so. You see, the letters after Michael’s name, …

The Club That Secretly Scares the S*** Out of Me

I love a challenge, but this time I thought to myself, “Maybe I’ve bit off a little more than I can chew.” My agency’s newest client is a tough one. This club has mostly everything going wrong for it. It is located in a pretty remote spot with very little residential population. Its membership has been tapped time and again …

Why Your Club Needs a Bikini Car Wash

Recently this question popped up on my phone: It came from Dan Schmitz, a friend and colleague of mine in the private club industry who also sits on the membership committee at his local New Jersey club. He was heading to his committee meeting that evening to discuss strategy. I thought about it briefly and then typed the following reply: Dan was …

Membership Is Not a Logical Purchase

[symple_box color=”gray” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”center” width=””]This is part 2 of a 3 part series on modern membership marketing strategy. You can read part 1 here.[/symple_box] Think about the last pair of shoes you bought. Did you buy those shoes because they had more leather per square inch than the competitor? Or did you buy them because there were exactly 48 …

Membership is Not a Sprint

When it comes to private club membership, sales is not a sprint. Most people will agree with that simple and trite statement. You’ve probably heard it before from a board member or even a general manager. The problem is, the advice that comes next is often wrong too. The classic follow up to “it’s not a sprint,” is usually “it’s a …

2015 Review and 2016 Marketing Predictions

As a new year quickly approaches it’s time to recap the year that was, as well as make some bold predictions for 2016. Let’s face it folks, marketing is not an inexpensive proposition. Whether it’s time or money or both, it’s important to maximize the resources you have available and generate a reasonable return on that investment. The goal of this report is to point you …

5 Ways to Avoid Paralysis by Analysis

As the head of a design and marketing firm I’ve often run into the client that just can’t make up their mind. One day they love my design and vision for a campaign, and the next they’re sending me an email with changes and updates. You’ve probably experienced this in your business too, and maybe even been an offender. I see …

Amazon to Disrupt Grocery with Drive Thru, and Why it Should Matter to You

On-demand will always win. Until you figure out how to deliver your products and services faster, you WILL lose marketshare. It’s a reality. It’s a promise. When the wheels start moving- in this case the wheels of consumer demand for more efficient delivery – you better hop on the train or you risk watching it leave the station. Amazon is …